
What is the purpose of the Pitt Hopkins syndrome study?

The purpose of the study is to look at the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of NNZ-2591 in the treatment of children with Pitt Hopkins syndrome.

This study investigates an oral medication called “NNZ-2591”, which aims to improve the impaired connections and signalling between brain cells that are involved in Pitt Hopkins syndrome. The study medication is experimental.

What does the study involve?

Participation in the study will be required for approximately 19 weeks, with a combination of in-clinic, remote, and telehealth consultations. An in-home nurse will also visit your house to check on the participant and administer a number of assessments.

Participants in the Pitt Hopkins study will need to:

To ease the burden of travel on families, an in-home nurse will be available to assist with telehealth/remote visits. At a time convenient to yourselves, the in-home nurse will visit your home and conduct a number of the required study assessments. This has been included in the study design to make it easier for your family to participate in the study and promote inclusion, without compromising on the data that needs to be collected at each visit.

Is there a cost?

There is no cost to participate in this clinical trial.

Reimbursement is available for reasonable travel and incidental costs incurred attending your clinic visits. More details can be found here.

Who is eligible for this study?

Potential participants must:

Specific details on the eligibility criteria can be found at

Enrolment for the study is now closed.